The Museum of the Arkansas Grand Prairie welcomes artifact donations that are consistent with our mission, will complement our existing collections, and will further our educational opportunities. Because of the tremendous number of items under our care, we follow strict guidelines when considering new pieces. Determining factors may include storage, long-term management costs, historical relevance, and exhibit, educational or research potential.
Written requests for artifact donations are accepted and reviewed quarterly. Proposed donations that meet the approval of our curatorial staff are submitted to our board of trustees for provisional approval.
Our acquisition guidelines follow below. If you are satisfied your potential donation meets our criteria, we invite you to submit our donation application.
Acquisition Guidelines:
The item is consistent with and relevant to the stated mission, exhibits, and activities of our Museum.
The Museum of the Arkansas Grand Prairie is a memorial to the prairie pioneers... This museum depicts the history of agriculture and the pioneers who farmed the Grand Prairie of eastern Arkansas from the 1880's to the 1920's.
Items must have clear title and be free of copyright restrictions.
The long-term conservation and storage of item(s) is a primary consideration. No item will be considered if the costs of such is beyond the museum's resources. Donations that facilitate those costs may be considered.
Because of budgetary and physical restrictions, items requiring restoration will not be considered.
Donors must provide verifiable record of authenticity and note historical relevance.
Items must be unique and not a duplication of items already in our collections.
Upon provisional acceptance by our board, a physical examinationwill be required prior to final acceptance.
All acquisitions are final, irrevocable, and unconditional. The Museum cannot guarantee donated objects will be exhibited or stored/displayed as a particular collection. Curatorial decisions may determine items to be more appropriately used in our education programs or offered for sale.
All acquisitions by gift or bequest to the Museum will remain in the possession of the Museum as long as they retain their integrity and remain useful to the stated mission of the Museum.
We are unable to provide identification or appraised values as the IRS considers such activity by a 501(c)(3) a conflict of interest. Donors are fully responsible for appraisals of value and we suggest consulting your tax advisor before making such donations.